
Chilling: Cache of bad Boye shuttles found in Sue Anna's bag

A happy time was in progress, visiting and tatting with friends at the Greater Milwaukee Tatting Guild meeting early Monday evening, when suddenly -- more than the weather outside turned stormy!

The normally gentle and soft-spoken Marilee Rockley revealed an unexpected "dark side" when Sue Anna offered a large stash of the new "bad" Boye tatting shuttles  :)

"What?!?! Those are the worst shuttles ever!" Marilee fumed. "They have rough edges, are put together crooked, and have the stupidest bumps on the tips! If they were melted down and recycled for the plastic, it could help save the planet!"

"I don't have time to sandpaper rough edges off shuttles." she continued. "The old Boyes were once my favorite shuttles." she lamented, "but the current production is so awful it's ridiculous".

The debate went on for several minutes, distracting the other guild members from their double stitch counting, until the "bad Boyes" were removed and replaced by a generous supply of chocolate chip cookies :) All's well! (Story slightly exaggerated just for fun, LOL.)

We really did have a good time together, and looking forward to the next meeting!
Greater Milwaukee Tatting Guild, May 12, 2014

Beads and better quality shuttles in Barbara's stash

Sue Anna placing a jump ring

Daughter and mother tatters

Hanky edging in progress