
December meeting

That's Ana waving to you in the photo above! 
She's wearing her close-up glasses set consisting of her regular classes plus a pair of reading glasses, which give her several levels of magnification.

She was tatting earrings while I worked on a peace dove in white size 20 thread with size 11/0 seed beads. Pattern by Jane Eborall. I didn't finish it at the meeting, but below I've posted a picture of my finished dove.

I also brought along some metallic embroidery floss to show, and we discussed how it might work for tatting a teeny tiny shiny "aluminum" Christmas tree...maybe painted pink :)
Well, I love a challenge! My finished tree is shown below, from my own pattern "Layered Ring Christmas Tree" with added fringe "tinsel effect" using Corina Meyfeldt's fringe technique.